Friday, March 11, 2011

Coastal or Plateau

I would rather live in the Plateau tribe instead of the Coastal tribe. I say this because I am not a fan of seafood, but more of a fan of other animals. I would also like to have a respectful community instead of a wealthy one. I would hate for everything to be based on money. Also I would like the "adventure" of always being on the move. I would get to live more places and see more sites. This brings me to my next reason: housing. Living in longhouses with your whole family would suck! Tepees would be more mobile and more private. Obviously living with the Plateau tribe instead of the Coastal tribe would be better.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Most beleivable of the three major migration theories.

   The three theories are: 1. Land Bridge Theory 2. Ice Bridge Theory 3. Continental Shelf Theory. The Land Bridge Theory is that the ocean dropped 300 feet and there was no Bering Straight just land so the Native Americans could walk across. The Ice Bridge Theory is that the Bering Straight froze and created a frozen bridge for the Native Americans could walk across. The Continental Shelf Theory is that the Asian continental shelf and the North American continental shift were connected and created a bridge to walk across. The most believable in my opinion is the Continental Shelf theory. I belive this to be true because the continents used to be all one massive continent. This would make it so there is no water so it would be easy to cross.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What region do I want to live in?

   The region I want to live in is the Palouse Hills. Clarkston, Washington is in the Palouse Hills. The reason I want to live in the Palouse Hills is because I like the rain and it gets more rain then any other region in eastern Washington. Also the Snake River runs through it and i like to go swimming. The Snake River is the biggest river in the Palouse Hills. There are also four more rivers in the Palouse Hills. These rivers are: The Touchet, Walla Walla, Grand Rhonde, and the Tucannon River. So now you know the best region to live in is the Palouse Hills.

Friday, February 11, 2011

How the Rain Shadow effects the Economy

 The rainshadow effect effects the economy by making the west side rainy and the east side dry. How does that effect the economy? well, in the summer the water parks make more money on the east side because it is hotter. Also according to the text book: Washington: A State of Contrasts, reacreation and tourism produce billions of dollars. The point I'm trying to make here is, if the weather is bad people are most likely not to tour that place. So the western side does not make as much money because of that. In contrast a city like Seattle which is in the western side of the Cascade makes more because of their sports.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Volcanic eruptions

           The process I chose is volcanic eruptions.Volcanic eruptions can be destructive and verry deadly. They can destroy whole cities! Also they make landforms such as islands and they make rocks. One example of a rock created from volcanic eruptions is a Lava Rock. Volcanoes go into sleep mode this is called dormant.
           Volcanoes have formed many of Washington State's geography. Some examples are: The Colombia Pleatue and some of the Cascade Mountains. One of the biggest volcanoes is Mount Rainier which is in Washington State.